It’s that time of year when you should start thinking about getting a head start on your garden! The tricky part is that you don’t want to start your seeds too early since they will more than likely perish due to lack of sun. A key trick to know when to start planting your seeds indoors is 6-7 weeks before your area’s last average frost date. In the Midwest, March is when most seeding indoors should start and May is when most should get moved outdoors. The optimum temperature for seeds indoors is 70-74°F.

If you are looking for more helpful tips and tricks for your garden this year, check out our Companion Planting E-Book

Parsley March 1 May 1
Broccoli March 15 May 1
Cabbage March 15 May 1
Lettuce March 15 May 1
Cauliflower March 15 May 1
Peppers April 1 June 1
Tomatoes April 15 June 1